Filming a commercial

For this assignment, you will be writing AND filming a commercial. Your written assignment must be a MINIMUM of 400 words. You may have to read ahead in your textbook to complete this assignment. Your assignment needs to be in PARAGRAPH form, but I also want you to...

Film analysis

For this activity, I would like for you to watch a film trailer online. This can be a film that is out already or one that is coming soon. I recommend finding one that is a movie you are excited about or one in a genre that is big for you (if you are a superhero fan,...

“Babies”. documentary analysis

Watch the scenes from the documentary “Babies”. This documentary simultaneously follows four babies around the world – from birth to first steps. The children are: Ponijao, who lives with her family near Opuwo, Namibia; Bayarjargal, who resides with his...

Roadkill/Reading Response

Watch Roadkill (Bruce McDonald, 1989) (available on Kanopy, and via course reserves), then write a concisecritical response (150-200 words, excluding works cited) linking the reading(s) for this week (Leach, Altman) tothis film. (See general course documents for more...

Film Analysis

FILM REFLECTION ASSIGNMENT: MISS EVERS’S BOYS Use the link: This assignment is designed to assist you in reflecting and critically examining bioethical issues. Guidelines: Provide a summary of the film Miss Evers’s Boys...