Decision Making and Communication Worksheet
As a student and in the workplace, you will need to be able to make decisions. For this assessment, you will think about decisions you make related to communicating with others, using the writing process, and maintaining academic integrity.
Complete Parts 1–3 below.
Part 1: Effective Communication
In your academic and professional life, you will make important decisions when communicating with others. Think about the types of decisions you will need to make when communicating both academically and professionally.
Consider the following scenario:
Your class requires you to use a program you must download on your computer. You have waited until Saturday to download the program, and you need it for an assignment that is due on Monday. Now you are having issues with the program.
Write a 50- to 75-word response to each of the following questions. Enter your response on a new line below the questions.
• How would you approach solving the problem in this scenario?
• Whom would you contact first, and why?
• What are the resources available to support you when obstacles arise?
• Why is effective communication important in linking you to these resources?

Part 2: Writing Process
When writing academically and professionally, you will make important decisions. Think about the writing process and what types of decisions you will make as you write.
Write a 75- to 100-word response to each of the following questions. Enter your response on a new line below the questions.
• When you have an essay due in an upcoming course, how will you manage your time to ensure you are able to complete all 5 steps of the writing process (prewriting, organization, drafting, revising, and editing)?
• What will you do to improve your writing in the workplace based on what you have learned in this course about the writing process? Provide some specific examples. (For example, I will carefully review my emails before sending them out. I will also be sure to use the spelling and grammar checker on any documents I write.)

Part 3: Academic Integrity
As a student, you will make important decisions related to academic integrity. There are several resources available to help you on your academic journey.
Access the Center for Writing Excellence. Review the following resources under the University of Phoenix Ethical Standards heading and think about how these resources apply to academic integrity and decisions you will make as a student:
• Plagiarism Tutorial
• Student Code of Academic Integrity
• Plagiarism: APA Style
Write a 50- to 75-word response to each of the following questions. Enter your response on a new line below the questions.
• Review the various violations from the Student Code of Academic Integrity. What are 2 examples of violations?
• What resources available to you as a student would be most useful in preventing each of these 2 examples of violations?
• Why is integrity important in your professional life?
• How do you put integrity into practice in your professional life?


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Part 1: Effective Communication

In order to effectively solve the problem in this scenario, I would approach it by following these steps:

Identify the specific issues or error messages I am encountering with the program.
Conduct research on the internet to see if there are any known solutions or troubleshooting steps for the problem.
Check the program’s website or support page for any FAQs or troubleshooting guides that may address the issue.
If none of the above steps resolve the problem, I would reach out to my classmates or instructor to see if they have experienced similar issues and if they have any suggestions or solutions.

In this scenario, I would contact the program’s technical support team first. They would be the most knowledgeable about the software and should be able to provide guidance or solutions to the issues I am experiencing.

The resources available to support me when obstacles arise include:

Online forums or communities where users of the program can share their experiences and help troubleshoot issues.
Technical support teams who can provide assistance either through email, live chat, or phone.
User guides or manuals that may provide step-by-step instructions on how to resolve common issues.

Effective communication is important in linking me to these resources because it allows me to clearly articulate my problem or question, which in turn helps these resources understand my issue better and provide more accurate and relevant assistance. Without effective communication, it would be difficult to convey the specifics of the problem and receive the necessary support.

Part 2: Writing Process

To manage my time effectively and ensure that I am able to complete all 5 steps of the writing process, I would follow these strategies:

Prewriting: Allocate dedicated time for brainstorming, researching, and organizing my ideas before starting the actual writing process. This can involve creating an outline or mind map to guide my writing.
Organization: Create a clear structure for my essay, including an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. This will help me stay focused and ensure that my ideas flow logically.
Drafting: Set aside specific writing sessions to complete the initial draft of my essay. It’s important to give myself enough time to write without distractions.
Revising: Plan a separate revision session after completing the first draft. During this time, I will focus on improving clarity, coherence, and overall effectiveness of my writing.
Editing: Allocate time for proofreading and editing my essay. This includes checking for grammar, spelling, punctuation errors, and ensuring proper formatting.

To improve my writing in the workplace based on what I have learned in this course about the writing process, I will:

Carefully review all emails before sending them out, paying attention to grammar, clarity, and overall professionalism.
Use spelling and grammar checkers on any documents I write to catch any errors that may have been overlooked.
Take advantage of feedback from colleagues or supervisors to identify areas of improvement and work on them.

Part 3: Academic Integrity

Two examples of violations from the Student Code of Academic Integrity are:

Plagiarism: Submitting someone else’s work as your own without proper attribution.
Cheating: Using unauthorized materials or assistance during exams or assignments.

The resources available to me as a student that would be most useful in preventing these violations are:

The Plagiarism Tutorial: This resource provides guidance on how to properly cite sources and avoid plagiarism. It educates students on the importance of originality and intellectual honesty.
The Student Code of Academic Integrity: This document outlines the policies and expectations regarding academic integrity at the University of Phoenix. It serves as a reference point for understanding what constitutes a violation and the consequences associated with it.

Integrity is important in my professional life because it establishes trust, credibility, and respect among colleagues, clients, and employers. It ensures that I am accountable for my actions and that I consistently uphold ethical standards.

I put integrity into practice in my professional life by:

Being honest and transparent in all my dealings.
Taking responsibility for my mistakes and learning from them.
Respecting confidentiality and not disclosing sensitive information without proper authorization.
Following ethical guidelines and professional codes of conduct relevant to my industry.

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