Examine the impact of one’s local environment on behavior. Considering what is presented in the readings, answer the following questions:
What impact does an individual’s environment and/or genetics have on the individual’s ability to make a free choice not to commit criminal acts? Support your response with research.
What five environmental stressors most impact crime in a community and those who inhabit it? Why?
How can local leaders address the stressors you identified?
What environmental factor do you think has the greatest impact on the differences in behavior among youth sharing the same social group, age, and neighborhood?



Sample Solution 

There is a growing body of research that suggests that both environmental factors and genetics play a role in criminal behavior. Some of the environmental factors that have been linked to criminal behavior include:

Sample Solution 

There is a growing body of research that suggests that both environmental factors and genetics play a role in criminal behavior. Some of the environmental factors that have been linked to criminal behavior include:

Impact of environment and genetics on criminal behavior

There is a growing body of research that suggests that both environmental factors and genetics play a role in criminal behavior. Some of the environmental factors that have been linked to criminal behavior include:

  • Poverty: People who live in poverty are more likely to commit crimes. This is likely due to a number of factors, including lack of opportunity, exposure to violence, and poor parenting.
  • Exposure to violence: Children who are exposed to violence, either in their homes or in their communities, are more likely to commit crimes themselves. This is because they learn that violence is a way to solve problems.
  • Poor parenting: Children who are raised in homes where there is little parental supervision or support are more likely to commit crimes. This is because they lack the skills and resources they need to make good choices.

Genetics also play a role in criminal behavior. Studies have shown that certain genes are associated with increased risk of criminal behavior. However, it is important to note that genes do not determine behavior. They simply increase the risk of someone committing a crime.

Five environmental stressors that impact crime

The five environmental stressors that most impact crime in a community and those who inhabit it are:

  1. Poverty: As mentioned above, poverty is a major risk factor for crime. People who live in poverty are more likely to be unemployed, have less education, and live in dangerous neighborhoods. All of these factors can contribute to criminal behavior.
  2. Lack of opportunity: People who lack opportunities for education, employment, and housing are more likely to turn to crime. This is because they feel that they have no other way to achieve their goals.
  3. Exposure to violence: As mentioned above, children who are exposed to violence are more likely to commit crimes themselves. This is because they learn that violence is a way to solve problems.
  4. Poor parenting: Children who are raised in homes where there is little parental supervision or support are more likely to commit crimes. This is because they lack the skills and resources they need to make good choices.
  5. Community disorganization: Communities that are disorganized and have high levels of crime are more likely to produce criminals. This is because there is less social control in these communities, and people are more likely to be influenced by deviant peers.

How local leaders can address environmental stressors

There are a number of ways that local leaders can address environmental stressors that impact crime. These include:

  • Investing in education and job training: This can help to create opportunities for people who are struggling economically.
  • Providing affordable housing: This can help to reduce poverty and improve the quality of life in communities.
  • Promoting violence prevention programs: These programs can help to reduce exposure to violence and teach children and adults how to resolve conflict peacefully.
  • Strengthening families: This can help to provide children with the support they need to make good choices.
  • Working to improve community cohesion: This can help to reduce crime by creating a sense of belonging and shared values in communities.

Environmental factor with the greatest impact on differences in behavior among youth

The environmental factor that has the greatest impact on the differences in behavior among youth is likely exposure to violence. Children who are exposed to violence are more likely to develop aggressive behavior patterns. They are also more likely to be desensitized to violence, which can make them more likely to commit violent acts themselves.

In addition to exposure to violence, other environmental factors that can contribute to differences in behavior among youth include:

  • Parenting: The quality of parenting can have a significant impact on a child’s behavior. Children who are raised in homes with supportive and consistent parenting are more likely to develop prosocial behavior patterns.
  • Peers: The influence of peers can also be significant. Children who are surrounded by peers who engage in delinquent or criminal behavior are more likely to do the same.
  • School: The school environment can also play a role in shaping a child’s behavior. Children who attend schools with high levels of violence or who feel like they do not belong are more likely to engage in problem behaviors.

It is important to note that these are just some of the environmental factors that can impact behavior. The specific factors that will have the greatest impact on a particular individual will vary depending on their unique circumstances.

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