Choose any living thing, from any marine ecosystem in the world. What is the Latin name and common name (if any) of this species? Describe the species thoroughly, including its anatomy, biology and phylogenetic relationships. Is it common or rare? What makes it interesting?
Describe its habitat in detail. What other things live in that habitat? Is that habitat abundant globally or rare. Can this species live many different places or is it restricted to a very specific habitat? Describe how it gets its energy (for example: photosynthesis, or filtering plankton out of the water for food, or hunting in packs to capture seals…) and what its predators and competitors are. What, if any, other species are known to depend on your species of interest and how?
Culturally and Economically
Describe how this species figures in human affairs. How do people know about this species? What stories are there about it, if any? How do people use this organism? Some examples are as food for people or cultivated animals, entertainment, shelter, biofilters, fertilizer, building materials and so on. If it is harvested, about how much is harvested per year? How do you feel about this species? Would you say that it is beautiful?…delicious?
Looking in to the Future
What is the outlook for this species in the future? Are its numbers increasing or decreasing? Does it have potential uses that will cause it to be exploited or cause people to cultivate it? Does it live in an expanding or disappearing habitat or require resources that are expected to change in abundance in the future? Based on your research, what are your expectations for this species in the coming century. If you imagine an ideal future for the species, what would that look like?

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