Western Civilization

Write 4 essays each worth 25 points. Each essay should be five paragraphs long. Each essay has a minimum word-count requirement of 350 words. There is no maximum word count but students who do well typically stay between 400-600 words. The first paragraph should...

Western Civilization

Identify event 1, of your choice, occurring 2001-Present and explain what its roots are in the earlier periods of Western Civilization, what are the roots? The terrorist attacks orchestrated by Al-Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden on the United States in 2001 were rooted in...

Western Civilization

Describe the battlefield successes of the Axis powers from 1939-42. 2. Why are the battles of Britain and of Stalingrad considered turning points in the war? What was the overall strategy for the Allied powers (including Russia) in the war against Germany and Italy,...