Using examples from Ancient Greece, the Roman Republic, and the Roman Empire (you must cover all three), explain instances where civilization progressed forward and particular instances where it declined (you must cover both for each of the three). Do not explain the rise and fall of Ancient Greece, the Roman Republic, and the Roman Empire, rather, just choose an example of an advance and an example of decline from each of the three, briefly describe it, and most importantly, explain how and why. Since this is a 7-page essay, and you need 6 separate examples, you should write about a page for each one.
Civilizations rise and fall. But even on that trajectory there are many fluctuations. Instances of smooth progress are actually quite rare in history, especially when we lengthen the time to examine. Ancient Greece, the Roman Republic, and the Roman Empire, existed for centuries and extended across vast territories of land and sea. Your essay should offer a brief narrative background on each one, followed by specific instances of both progress and decline, which you will describe, and then offer your explanation of “how?” “why?” “what does it mean?”


Sample Solution

Ancient Greece was a civilization that flourished in the Mediterranean region from the 8th to the 6th centuries BCE. It was a time of great progress in art, literature, philosophy, and science.

Sample Solution

Ancient Greece was a civilization that flourished in the Mediterranean region from the 8th to the 6th centuries BCE. It was a time of great progress in art, literature, philosophy, and science.

Ancient Greece

Ancient Greece was a civilization that flourished in the Mediterranean region from the 8th to the 6th centuries BCE. It was a time of great progress in art, literature, philosophy, and science.

Advance: One of the most significant advances of Ancient Greece was the development of democracy. The Greeks were the first people to develop a system of government in which the people had a say in how they were governed. This was a major step forward in the development of human rights and political freedom.

Decline: However, Ancient Greece also experienced periods of decline. One of the most significant declines was the Peloponnesian War, which lasted from 431 to 404 BCE. This war was fought between Athens and Sparta, two of the most powerful city-states in Greece. The war was extremely destructive, and it led to the decline of both Athens and Sparta.

How and why: The Peloponnesian War was a decline because it was a long and destructive war that led to the deaths of many people and the destruction of much property. It also led to the decline of both Athens and Sparta, which were two of the most powerful city-states in Greece.

What does it mean? The Peloponnesian War shows that even the most advanced civilizations are not immune to decline. It also shows that war can be a major cause of decline.

The Roman Republic

The Roman Republic was a form of government that existed in ancient Rome from 509 to 27 BCE. It was a republic because power was shared between the people and the elected officials.

Advance: One of the most significant advances of the Roman Republic was the development of a system of law. The Romans developed a complex system of laws that governed all aspects of Roman life. This system of law was one of the most advanced in the ancient world, and it has had a lasting influence on Western law.

Decline: However, the Roman Republic also experienced periods of decline. One of the most significant declines was the Punic Wars, which lasted from 264 to 146 BCE. These wars were fought between Rome and Carthage, a powerful city-state in North Africa. The wars were extremely destructive, and they led to the decline of Carthage and the rise of Rome as the dominant power in the Mediterranean region.

How and why: The Punic Wars were a decline because they were a long and destructive war that led to the deaths of many people and the destruction of much property. They also led to the decline of Carthage and the rise of Rome as the dominant power in the Mediterranean region.

What does it mean? The Punic Wars show that even the most advanced republics are not immune to decline. It also shows that war can be a major cause of decline.

The Roman Empire

The Roman Empire was a form of government that existed in ancient Rome from 27 BCE to 476 CE. It was an empire because it was a large state that ruled over many different peoples and territories.

Advance: One of the most significant advances of the Roman Empire was the development of a system of roads. The Romans built a vast network of roads that connected all parts of the empire. This system of roads made it possible for the Romans to quickly and easily communicate with each other and to move troops and supplies around the empire.

Decline: However, the Roman Empire also experienced periods of decline. One of the most significant declines was the Crisis of the Third Century, which lasted from 235 to 284 CE. This period was marked by civil wars, invasions, and economic problems. It led to the decline of the Roman Empire and the eventual collapse of the Western Roman Empire in 476 CE.

How and why: The Crisis of the Third Century was a decline because it was a period of great instability and turmoil. The empire was beset by civil wars, invasions, and economic problems. These problems led to the decline of the Roman Empire and the eventual collapse of the Western Roman Empire in 476 CE.

What does it mean? The Crisis of the Third Century shows that even the most powerful empires are not immune to decline. It also shows that internal problems can be a major cause of decline.


Ancient Greece, the Roman Republic, and the Roman Empire were all civilizations that experienced periods of progress and decline. These civilizations provide us with valuable insights into the dynamics of change and the factors that contribute to the rise and fall of civilizations.



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